caru's blog

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Location: Vienna, Austria, Austria

Friday, April 20, 2007

mating season

no, not rabbits this time.

there are only three or four days in the year when a panda girl wants sex. apparently, yesterday was the first of these. and the panda boy made proper use of it, four times running.
it wasn't such a success last year, but maybe this autumn Vienna's famous zoo will finally have its long desired baby panda.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


according to ancient indian tradition, the spots we see on the surface of the moon are not (as we europeans believe) a man in the moon, but a rabbit.
recent research tells us that she is a female rabbit.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

the great rabbit puzzle

how many rabbits do you see in this picture?


Thursday, April 05, 2007


after all, this is easter. (i don't want to forget it myself, therefor i am posting rabbits. don't mind me.)


here's a problem for you

you leave a small party very early in the morning, like 1 o' clock.
the girl you love leaves at the same time.

she refuses your offer to go with her half her way home (your way home is in the opposite direction, so it would mean walking about three times the party-home distance for you).
she hugs and kisses you - very closely (which she has but rarely done before).
the hug gets extremely close, till she says "i think you want to squeeze me to death". you let go of each other.

you explain to her that you don't really want to kill her in any way.
you hug once more, very intensely.

she says "you do want to squeeze me to death", and you part, very affectionately.

what's going on between the two of you?
